Tuesday, September 6, 2011

That's love...

Wow, the past two and a half weeks have been so weird... I have met so many people, made new friends, really started working for my job, and Jordan has missed all of it! It's going to be fun catching up on our past two weeks, but I know for sure he's going to have the more interesting stories as he's been in Japan. I can't wait to hear them!

And as I sit here in the dark dining room (the buzzing from our overhead lights sounds like a swarm of bees in my house), I am incessantly checking his flight status and facebook to see if he's posted anything new and if he's taken off yet. I know I won't sleep tonight. It's not that I'm worried... because I am putting my trust in God to bring him home safely to me. But I am just so stinkin' excited that he's coming home! I am also reminded once again of how thankful I am that Jordan's job only sends him away for a couple weeks at a time and not for months or even years. My heart goes out to my friends that are home alone, taking care of their kids, missing their husbands, and doing it with a brave smile. Bless you.

My excitement is so huge right now that I just felt the need to share with you all. He is a wonderful man... he makes me laugh, he wipes my tears away, he grills my meat, he kisses me when he comes in the door, he does the vacuuming, and he even puts the toilet seat down.  Yup, that right there is just plain ol' sweet love... see you soon Chase!

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