Saturday, August 10, 2013

Layla, we aren't in Alaska anymore...

Tonight we enjoy the simple comforts of high-speed internet, a queen-size bed, clean laundry, and the company and hospitality of my very best and oldest (oldest= we’ve known each other since we were 3, not old like she’s 90 or something, but if she was, that’d be cool, too) friend, Megan. She’s currently living in the San Jose area for work, and we were lucky enough to be able to stop by for the weekend!

After we figured out how to park our dirty, now hoaky-hippie looking camper because we’re in California and not Alaska anymore, in her fancy, pristine apartment complex parking lot, Jordan took off to get the oil changed for the first time on this trip.  We hit 3200 miles today! 

She took us out to a fantastic micro-brewery in downtown San Jose with one of her friends. I think I’ve had the best stuffed chicken on the planet. Thank you Jesus.

We left Layla in her apartment while we went out and prayed hard she wouldn’t destroy anything.  We were so impressed to come home a few hours later to a very good puppy!  With the exception of the bathroom trash being spread all across the apartment, she is proving to us she’s growing up every day.  Tear.

Thanks for staying tuned!

Beautiful fog over the Redwoods this morning on our way out of the park

Hello golden hills of coastal Cali!

The Richmond Bridge, aka, we are almost to Megan's where I can pee! 
Reunited and it feels so good!

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